WOODS OF YPRES - Formal Memorial Service For David Gold Planned For First Week Of January

December 25, 2011, 12 years ago

hot flashes news woods of ypres

As previously reported, WOODS OF YPRES frontman/drummer/founder David Gold was killed in a car accident near Barrie, Ontario on December 22nd. His sister, Marie, has issued an update with regards to the memorial service planned in his honour:

"To David's friends, family, and fans of his music. Just a reminder that we're having a party to celebrate Dave's life on December 28th in Sault Ste Marie. We have also decided to hold a formal service for David within the first week of January, once holidays are over. I will keep everyone updated as I confirm the exact information. I hope everyone has a happy holiday season, and remember to play some WOD for Dave. Please don't hesitate to contact me if anyone has any questions.

I will be taking the day to get back to everyone regarding merchandise orders, stories for David's memorial, inquires into the documentary, and all the great outpour of support we have been receiving. I realize that today is Christmas, and it's a busy time for everyone - but if you haven't already done so, could I get the letters for his memorial sent to my e-mail address (mariechristinegold@hotmail.com) no later than 5:00pm EST on the 27th to ensure that I will be able to print it off in time. It's been really amazing to see how David has positively influenced people all over this world, it truly warms my heart. Thank you everyone, and have a happy holidays. Play a little WOD around the christmas tree for Dave."

Read BW&BK; scribe David Perri's tribute to Gold here.

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