EXCITER Guitarist John Ricci - "Without Dan Beehler On The Vocals, Exciter Cannot Sound Like The Original And That’s The Way It Is"

December 30, 2011, 12 years ago

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Metal Kaoz recently caught up with EXCITER guitarist John Ricci to discuss the band's current activities and future plans. An excerpt is available below:

Q: In the context to boost Exciter’s publicity, do you have in mind to release something new for the new year?

Ricci: "Well, we are currently writing new songs and we are hoping to have something ready for next year. But this is probably going to happen late in 2012. In fact, we are starting to work on new music for the next record."

Q: Do you have any songs that you could say are almost ready?

Ricci: "Well, we only have three songs but they are in the very early stage. There are some very strong riffs. When I write ideas for new music, I present them to the band and then we jam together. If that something sounds good and it feels right, then we keep it. So, we may write 15 songs and then only keep 10, you know?"

Q: Do you think that the lineup changes and the time that the band was in hiatus had something to do with this?

Ricci: "You are exactly right! All these, slowed down the band and everything came from the personalities; it is really hard to find musicians to get along with all the time. I don’t think I am a hard guy to get along with, but I do have a vision for this band. And sometimes when a new member comes in the band, shares the same vision, but after a while changes his mind and wants different things. I don’t want to change the band’s style and I want to keep it the way it is. So, I am not that open into new ideas. But you are 100% right, Dimitris: all those lineup changes and break-ups were the cause for this; people just forget about you. Since 1996 I have been trying to re-build the band’s profile again without the original members. And that was a real hard task but I also think that in the process we got some new fans. I think we are in the right track and we just have to go with it!"

Q: Some fans believe that a band should quit if it loses the original lineup; what do you think about this?

Ricci: "When a band changes lineup, it will never sound like the original, no matter what. And why would I want to sound like the original? I mean, sometimes it’s best to move on and keep doing what you are known for. But when you have new musicians in the band, the chemistry and the sound change. I know some people who believe that without Dan Beehler in the lineup, Exciter is not the same band, but personally I don’t really care. After all, without Dan Beehler on the vocals, Exciter cannot sound like the original and that’s the way it is. The band has to move on. Dan and I haven’t worked together since 1993 and you know, we are still friends, although we don’t really talk. He is doing his project now and I have been with Exciter for many years and that’s it. I just want to do my own thing and be left alone. For fans who like this, it’s really great, but for the ones who don’t, I cannot do something; it’s their decision."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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