Former WHITE ZOMBIE Bassist Sean Yseult On Rob Zombie - "I Do Think The Band Took A Toll On Our Relationship"

January 10, 2012, 12 years ago

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Former WHITE ZOMBIE bassist Sean Yseult released a book, I'm With The Band: Backstage Notes From The Chick In White Zombie, in December 2010. HADES guitarist Dan Lorenzo, the new editor of Steppin' Out, recently spoke with Yseult about the project. An excerpt from the interview is available below:

Lorenzo: In your book, you describe your love of traveling and touring overseas. I found it somewhat surprising that you had enough time to see so much and document it, as opposed to the hurry-up-and-wait experience.

Yseult: "Yeah, you know what you’re talking about Dan – bands usually get driven from one backstage to another, where you sit for countless hours waiting to soundcheck and then many more hours waiting to play – it’s mind-numbing! No wonder so many bands resort to drugs, booze and mindless destruction, haha! But I really did try to get out and see towns, whether I was in Dayton Ohio or Cologne, Germany. One night in Dayton I snuck out after our gig and got to see BRAINIAC, a fantastic local band. In Cologne, I knew we had to see the cathedral, and dragged the band on some public transport to the city center. When you’re overseas, you have to get out and see the history."

Lorenzo: How did your husband Chris Lee (of SUPAGROUP fame) react to your openness in the book in regards to your past relationships?

Yseult: "Oh, it’s all in the past, he’s fine with it. Luckily I fell in love with a ridiculously confident man who is threatened by no one."

Lorenzo: Would your relationship with Rob Zombie have lasted longer if you had not been in a band together and just been artists in NYC?

Yseult: "That is really hard to say. I do think the band took a toll on our relationship, as far as the band becoming our lives, 24/7. But mainly we met very young, and after seven years had different ideas of what we wanted from a relationship – this is common for young couples. You’re really too young in college to know what you want in a relationship, in my opinion. At least I was."

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