WARRANT Bassist Jerry Dixon Talks Down Boys Records - "We're Not Ever Gonna Be On The Caliber Of A Frontiers Or A Sony..."

March 28, 2012, 12 years ago

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Legendary Rock Interviews has issued a new interview with WARRANT bassist Jerry Dixon. An excerpt follows:

Q: So your new project, Down Boys Records, is outside of the actual Warrant deal with Frontiers Records?

A: "Yes, the Frontiers deal is actually a licensing thing. It’s actually a case where we are on Down Boys label but we licensed it to be released through them and that deal will continue to be in place for a few years. We work with them and they’ve done a great job of getting it out there. I will admit that we’ve done a LOT of work on our own as well but the Frontiers people have been very cool to work with. The actual starting of our own label really got going just because of this digital world we live in now. After so many years of being in this business and dealing with other people you start scratching your head and saying, 'You know what, we could do this, we can sign bands and release our own product and just carry out those functions on our own and do it our way'. There’s so, so, so many bands that are out there and WORTH hearing but they’re not getting a chance with the few majors who are left because those guys are strictly looking at sales rather than actually listening to the music."

Q: People can scoff all they want at bands who start “vanity” labels but in this day and age it really is possible and makes a TON of sense.

A: "I know, I know. We’re not ever gonna be on the caliber of a Frontiers or a Sony because Erik and I are truly doing this ourselves and we’re not some huge corporate entity. We’re definitely not “suit and tie” guys. A lot of the artists we sign or release might not translate into major sales but we’re very realistic and upfront about that with them. Let’s face it, it’s hard for anyone to sell records, it’s hard for Warrant to sell records and we have an established brand. We just want to be a home and a help to artists and maybe help them get their stuff out there. We help them clean up old contracts or publishing deals or get out situations or deals with management and all these things that can sometimes get really complicated for a band trying to focus on MUSIC. As a band gets rolling it tends to accumulate all these offers and contracts and deals and lots of them are not in their favor. We go through and secure their publishing for them in their name, and their masters and their musical lives basically and put them in the Down Boys basket. From there, we release their music and the backside and maybe most important part of all this is the music placement business for television and films and commercials and that sort of thing."

Read the full interview at this location.

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