GAMA BOMB Part Ways With Guitarist

April 3, 2012, 12 years ago

hot flashes news gama bomb

After ten years guitarist Luke Graham is parting ways with Northern Island thrashers GAMA BOMB.

Says Luke: “After ten years with GAMA BOMB I've decided to call it a day. Many thanks to my best mates in the band for all the good times and mad shit we got up to round the world. Who would’ve thought ‘Project I Love NUCLEAR ASSAULT’ would have taken us so far? Raised pints and positive gestures to all the great folk I've gotten to work with, the good friends I've made and of course I have to thank the fans for making it all possible, mad bastards every last one. Up the hoods.”

A band update reads: "Our good pal John Roche, who has helped us out as a live guitarist over the last year, is going to step in as the band's new rhythm man. We're sure you'll help us welcome him, and to pay tribute to the brilliantness of Luke as a member of the band. This has been a very tough decision for the whole band, but we're now ready to begin making our fourth album with John on board, Luke's blessings and the same formula for thrash we've always had."

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