EPHEL DUATH's Davide Tiso - "That Bald, Ugly, Millionaire LARS ULRICH Was Right And I’m Here Stating That We Should Have Listened To That Bastard"

April 26, 2012, 12 years ago

hot flashes news ephel duath lars ulrich

Davide Tiso from Italian avant-garde metal band EPHEL DUATH has responded to today's report that Roadrunner Europe may be closing down operations in Europe.

"Today I read that Roadrunner Europe is shutting down. I don’t know how credible is this news, but the rumour itself made me think once again how bad is the current state of the music industry. When a journalist asks to a band if they are pro or against illegal downloading, it’s always amusing for me to read that some bands are actually in favour of people stealing their work for free. I think is completely irresponsible for bands to get their words out that way, and, frankly, I can’t stop myself getting irritated by such stupid behaviours. I hate when people download my music for free, I don’t consider those people supporters of my band, whatever what they could possibly say or not say in their defence. Music nowadays is treated without any respect and I’m shocked to see the process getting worse and worse year after year. The fact that labels are closing is a terrible thing for the music business: it is not true that bands can bypass the label to get their music out, at least not at the current state of things.

I am overwhelmed by the way new generations feel that everything is owed to them, sometime I would like to close my eyes on this poor and empty digital-addicted society of ours.

When METALLICA attacked Napster years ago, the whole thing was probably about greed, but everyone seemed more interested in booing the band instead of consider what Lars Ulrich was actually standing against. Where are we now? Bands nowadays are forced to tour their asses off for most of the year to be able to pay their rent. Some of them don’t make it and they still need to live with their parents past the age of 30. Bands nowadays spend thousands and thousands of dollars printing worthless merchandising to be able to keep touring, while their studio budgets get smaller and smaller and their bellies get wider for all the cheap junk food they are surviving with while on the road. Is this what it means to be a musician today?

When I read that GOJIRA have their bank accounts in red I am scared for the future of this music I love so much.

Years ago I bet on my band as the only possible future for me: I lost my bet and now I paying the consequences. After seeing how bad things are getting in the music business I’m starting to think that doing a step back, finding a normal job and keep the band going as a part-time thing was the only right thing to do.

Illegal downloading is killing the music business: that bald, ugly, millionaire of Lars Ulrich was right, and I’m here stating that we should have listened to that bastard."

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