ACCEPT Guitarist Wolf Hoffmann On Frontman Mark Tornillo - "He Carries The Accept Flag With Dignity And Powerful Grace"

May 4, 2012, 12 years ago

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Greece-based Rock Overdose recently caught up with ACCEPT guitarist Wold Hoffmann. An excerpt from the interview is available below: How do you believe that Mark's powerful voice has changed the music direction of Accept ?

Wolf: "Obviously we were lucky, he did not 'change' things, but he is contributing his own characteristics in a way the fans do not have to adjust to something irritating. He carries the Accept flag with dignity and powerful grace. Who knows were we can go together. If you take into consideration that we have been gone for a very long time, that we were able to dish out Blood Of The Nations, tour the world twice and serve a meaty desert - Stalingrad - in less than 30 month, assured our fans - we mean what we say and we are here to stay! At east as long as the fans want us ...." Accept is one of the first bands that emerged from the German metal scene. What's your opinion about the German metal bands nowdays ?

Wolf: "Times have changed and the audiences are more diversified - there is talent out there and they have their fans - so not much has changed in my opinion." Which three favourites albums of Accept would you choose and why?

Wolf: "That is hard to tell... each album reflects a special time n our life, and as situations change, my relation to our albums is changing constantly. However, I have to say, that I am mesmerized about the two last albums - because of the way it happened, because of the circumstances we all found each other - one more time! No one, and I mean no one (!), could have imagined that."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

German metal legends ACCEPT have revealed more chart positions for their new album, Stalingrad, available now. The follow-up to the band's Blood Of The Nations has entered the charts in the following countries:

Hungary: #5

Germany: #6

Finland: #8

Sweden: #10

Switzerland: #17

Norway: #22

Czech Republic: #25

Austria: #32

UK: #32 (#2 Rock Charts)

Poland: #46

France: #50

Spain: #66

US: #81

Canada: #101 (#7 Rock Charts)

About the chart success, guitarist Wolf Hoffman previously stated: “What a roller coaster ride! From the minute we started Accept in 2010 with Mark Tornillo until today, we are in awe! The fans worldwide have spoken and they’ve let us know that we matter for them. Never in a lifetime could we have expected the true and deep love we get, wherever we go. To enter the charts – again, with Stalingrad our new release - is a huge gift for us and we are more than grateful and very well aware that we could never have done that without the hottest metal label on the planet: Nuclear Blast! They gave us home and their backing is huge. But not only everybody at Nuclear Blast are doing such a great job: We have a management, a crew, and superb professionals around us who gave us confidence and strength and we are trying to show our appreciation by being the best Accept we can. We give you everything, every night! Greetings for Germany, where we play packed houses... See ya on tour - wherever you are!”

Accept will embark on an extensive tour through the US and Canada in September and early October, before returning to South America again, followed by more dates in Europe and Asia. Detailed tour dates will be announced soon.

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