LED ZEPPELIN's Jimmy Page "Feeling Rather Hurt" He's Not Invited To London Olympics

May 29, 2012, 12 years ago

led zeppelin news rock hard

Richard Eden from Telegraph.co.uk is reporting:

At the closing ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, Jimmy Page promoted London 2012 by performing 'Whole Lotta Love', one of the biggest hits by his band LED ZEPPELIN, next to a red double-decker bus.

The guitarist is, however, very “upset” that he has not been invited to attend, let alone perform at, the opening ceremony of the London Games.

“Of course, I’m feeling rather hurt,” he tells Mandrake at the Diamond Jubilee Celebration of the Arts at the Royal Academy. “We put so much into Beijing, but weren’t helped by the Chinese giving us next-to-no practice time.”

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