FASTER PUSSYCAT's Taime Downe - "We Have Been Working On A New Record For About Two Years Now"

June 11, 2012, 12 years ago

news rock hard faster pussycat

Thomas Stanley Orwat Jr. from spoke with FASTER PUSSYCAT frontman Taime Downe recently about a number of topics. A few excerpts from the chat follow:

RMS: Are there any plans to record a new Faster Pussycat CD anytime soon?

Downe: "We have been working on a new record for about two years now. And every time we get ready to work on it, a tour comes up. But some of the material just needs to be slightly tweaked, some need leads and stuff. But the stuff we have, is pretty fucking cool. We may even work on some of the stuff before we leave for the tour, next week. Just so its fresh in my head when I get back. I really wanted to have it out in time for the tour, but we had a tour that come up in March, and we were out for eight weeks. And I’m not going to pass up going on the road, that’s too much fun. When a tour comes up, everything else pretty much goes on hold."

RMS: Have you noticed an increase in demand for Faster Pussycat to tour. It seems to me that over the last few years, a lot of the glam bands from the '80’s have experienced a little resurgence in popularity.

Downe: "Yeah, it’s because bands like ours like to have fun. We’re not trying to be all serious, we just go out and play dirty rock n’ roll. People always go through their phases of what they like. Dirty rock n’ roll is fun stuff. People missed it, and when they realized how fun it was again, they started coming back."

RMS: I would like to discuss you songwriting process. Does it came real easy for you, or is it a bit of a struggle to get it perfect?

Downe: "Well, usually me and Danny Nordahl, our bass player, will get together and have some beer, fire up some smokes and sit around in a room and bang some shit out. Sometimes we’ll come up with something and then turn it into two different songs. And basically we just have fun with it. That’s usually how it happens. Sometimes it will just happen at sound check when we are fucking around, so it (songwriting) happens a few different ways, but it’s usually under the influence of alcohol.


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