OBITUARY’s Trevor Peres Talks Carnival Of Death Tour In New Interview

September 8, 2012, 11 years ago

hot flashes news obituary recently conducted an interview with OBITUARY’s guitarist Trevor Peres. In the interview Peres talked about rumours, their New York, NY show surprise and more. Excerpts from the interview are below: How has downsizing to a four-piece affected you, now as the sole guitar player?

Trevor Peres: “Well, I am using a stereo set-up now, which I have never used before. And I am muting the ‘stage left guitar’ in between punches and breaks, so it sounds like one guitar is playing, and then I punch the mute pedal, and I get a huge sound out of it. Rob (Barrett) from CANNIBAL CORPSE was at one of our gigs and heard it, and he was totally tripping on it. He said it was killer!

So, I’m doing that, which is totally different for me, as I have to be a lot more conscious of where I’m standing on the stage during the show. And I’m doing a couple more leads here and there. I did some on ‘The End Complete’ and the last couple albums, so it’s not really new. I’m doing a new lead on ‘’Til Death’ and a couple of dive-bombs, so it’s all pretty cool. But I tell you what, our sound is like a freight train with Terry Butler; it’s a lot tighter than it’s been in a while!” What’s the scoop with the label jumping? I would have thought that at this stage in your career, you could write your own ticket.

Trevor Peres: “Well, with Roadrunner Records, we had a deal that was spawned in 1988. And when we did Frozen In Time, which was really just the fulfillment of the contract, they wanted us to do two more records. And after being with that label for almost twenty years, we wanted to test the waters, kind of like a free agent. And what we did with Candlelight was basically just a licensing deal. They wanted us to stay with them for five albums, but we didn’t want to sign any long-term deals.

I mean, right now, Roadrunner owns our music probably until my great-grandchildren die! They have everything we wrote in their vault, and we can’t even get a license to re-release any of it. And I don’t ever want to get into a situation like that again! I’d love to do a vinyl collector’s set, but Roadrunner wants an enormous amount of money up front just for the use of the songs. And actually, it was part of our plan to start our own label. We had someone who was interested in investing with us, but obviously that hasn’t happened yet. So, now, we’re probably going to do something with Century Media, just to be able to put something new out.”

Read the entire interview at this location.

Obituary’s North American headlining tour, dubbed Carnival Of Death Tour 2012 kicked off tonight, September 8th at Haven Lounge in Orlando, FL. The tour includes support from BROKEN HOPE, DECREPIT BIRTH, JUNGLE ROT and ENCRUST.

Remaining dates can be seen below:


10 - Empire - Springfield, VA
11 - Gramercy Theatre - New York, NY
12 - Bogie's - Albany, NY
13 - Imperial - Quebec City, QC
14 - Foufounes Electriques - Montreal, QC
15 - The Opera House - Toronto, ON
16 - Peabody's - Cleveland, OH
17 - Reggie's Rock Club - Chicago, IL
19 - Osborne Village Inn - Winnipeg, MB
20 - The Exchange - Regina, SK
21 - Pawn Shop - Edmonton, AB
22 - The Level Nightclub - Kelowna, BC
23 - Studio Seven - Seattle, WA
25 - The Alley - Reno, NV
26 - DNA Lounge - San Francisco, CA
27 - Key Club - West Hollywood, CA
28 - El Rey Theatre - Albuquerque, NM
29 - Trees - Dallas, TX

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