TARJA TURUNEN Announces 2012 Christmas Concerts

October 1, 2012, 11 years ago

hot flashes news tarja turunen

This holiday season, TARJA TURUNEN will return to Finland and Germany with her highly acclaimed Christmas concert tour format.

Tarja, who released her first rock solo CD/DVD Act I in August, will perform ten Christmas concerts in Finland this year, extending the tour for the first time to to Kainuu and Lapland, as well as four concerts in Germany.

Christmas In The Heart / Joulu Sydämissä Tour Dates:


3 - Kurfu?rstliches Schloss - Mainz, Germany
4 - Passionskirche - Berlin, Germany
5 - Luise Albertz Halle - Oberhausen, Germany
6 - Peterskirche - Leipzig, Germany
12 - Tuomiokirkko - Savonlinnan, Finland
13 - Haapajärven Kirkko - Haapajärvi, Finland
14 - Kuhmo-Talo - Kuhmo, Finland
15 - Alajärven Kirkko - Alajärvi, Finland
16 - Madetojan Sali - Oulu, Finland
17 - Rovaniemen Kirkko - Rovaniemi, Finland
19 - Keski-Porin Kirkko - Pori, Finland
20 - Mustasaaren Kirkko - Vaasa, Finland
21 - Espoon Kulttuurikeskus - Espoo, Finland
22 - Jämsän Kirkko - Jämsä, Finland

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