CRADLE OF FILTH Frontman Dani Filth - "Fans Have To Be A Bit Appreciative Of The Fact That The Bands Are Only Human"

October 6, 2012, 11 years ago

news life in black cradle of filth

CRADLE OF FILTH frontman Dani Filth is featured in a new interview with Reflections Of Darkness discussing the band's new album, The Manticore And Other Horrors. An excerpt is available below:

RoD: What are your personal favourites from this album and why at this moment in time?

Dani: "My personal favourite, I think, is probably ‘Manticore’ and that’s why it’s become the title track. Obviously the album is a full-blown concept album as we’ve done with previous two releases and that’s represented by the album title The Manticore and Other Horrors, it’s almost like Edgar Allan Poe would have ‘The Raven and Other Stories’. It encapsulates what’s going on, it’s like a lots of little stories orbiting the main theme, I suppose, much like Midian. So yeah, I really like this track just because I like how it was presented when Paul and Martin came up with the original skeletal structure of the song and it just caught my imagination because it had this sort of slightly eastern, slightly ethnic vibe about it, but really heavy. It reminded me of the track that we’ve written before and is vibe-wise if not a bit similar to a track called ‘Doberman Pharaoh’(Damnation And A Day, 2003), which in itself had an Egyptian feel to it, so it’s slightly outside our scope of writing and that attracted me to it. I think it has all the elements of Cradle Of Filth in it, but all in one song."

RoD: I’ve read that in your South American tour you had to have a police escort and at some point the fans started to rock your van. How do you cope as a band with pressures from the fans, have you got some stalkers and crazy ones amongst your fans, have that kind ever made you feel uncomfortable?

Dani: "Yeah, we’ve had some very strange people, but generally they are all very good natured though. The only problem is when you get people, say like the incident not so long ago when we played Bloodstock, there was a guy in the crowd, who bought these gobstoppers, sweets big like cricket balls, and he threw several of them on the stage, one narrowly missed a disabled kid we had on the stage to watch our show in the wheelchair, one narrowly missed me, one almost hit the keyboardist, which could have killed her. And he actually hit our guitarist on the base of his spine, so we had to stop the show and he had to be rushed to the hospital for a scan to see if he damaged anything. And that sort of things... it’s just unforgivable, if he had killed someone, there would have been a manslaughter or murder case. There’s always the worry, look at Dimebag Darrel for example and it only takes one person. But generally people are very well-meaning if they’re your fans, and they don’t really mean to upset you or to stalk you, they’re excited, so that’s forgivable. And also a lot of our fans, which I love, buy us presents, and that’s great! And if someone brings you a present you give them a bit of your time because obviously they’ve gone out of their way and usually the presents they bring us are things they’ve done a bit of research on so you really like them, you appreciate it and I think it’s bit unfair if someone went to those lengths and that trouble to just go 'alright, bye' and have them escorted off. So it’s a bit of give and take, fans have to be a bit appreciative of the fact that the bands are only human and they get it all the time and also for the bands to be aware that these fans have a dream to meet you and they don’t realise that it might happen every day of the tour. I think, it’s better to be aware of people, that’s all."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

The Manticore And Other Horrors is out on October 29th in the UK and Europe via Peaceville, and on October 30th in North America via Nuclear Blast.

A new audio sample for the album track, 'Manticore', is available below:

Cradle Of Filth recently uploaded a lyric video for the album track, 'For Your Vulgar Delectation'. Watch below:

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