RECKON WITH ONE To Finish New Album This Month

October 8, 2012, 11 years ago

hot flashes news reckon with one

RECKON WITH ONE's Mark Anthony K has issued the following update:

"It's that time again, for another update from the RWO world. In fact its been a while since the last update…I believe I skipped September...and for good reason. One in fact that I've been pondering over whether to discuss or not....but I feel it's time. For several years, I've been battling a bad back and through the course of treatment I've been on several different medications, some more powerful then others. I'm sure you know where I'm going with this, and as time has passed I found myself getting quite hooked on this stuff. I always tried to convince myself that I had it under control, but once my father became ill I realized how wrong I was and how much I was doing. I was doing enough Oxy and Hydromorph to knock out an elephant. It was time to stop. So I'm pleased to say that I've been off meds now for sewven weeks!! And plan to stay off, as for the back pain I'll have to look into other options.

Moving on. It's Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada and on behalf of the rest of the guys in RWO we would like to wish a happy and safe Thanksgiving to all our fans here in Canada. I can say without any doubt that this year has been a very tough year for us , not musically, but more personally. Various members have had to go through some family trouble, medical problems, and other unforeseen things that have really slowed things down. But all in all I guess we are thankful for all that we have and to our great fans and families who have been there for us through all the troubles.

Now that I've sorted myself out, I will be heading back to Vancouver on October 24th, to finish off recording the bass guitar tracks and start working on the vocals. Once the vocals get done, we will do a quick once over on all the songs and the mixing will begin. I will be one happy heavy metal camper at that point, as I'm more then itching at this point to finally return to playing live!!! So with that said expect a 2013 release of Tornadic."

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