XANDER DEMOS Signs Deals With Matrix Amplification, Fractal Audio Systems, Mission Engineering

November 28, 2012, 11 years ago

hot flashes news xander demos

Metal shred guitarist XANDER DEMOS has announced his artist endorsement arrangements with Matrix Amplification, Fractal Audio Systems and Mission Engineering.

Xander’s likeness and bio will be added to the new endorsement companies’ websites in the coming months.

Demos commented: “As soon as December 15th hits, it’s gonna be an all-out assault on clubs… between JUKEBOX and XANDER DEMOS BAND. Plus, SABBATH JUDAS SABBATH is going to spool up soon again. I am sooooo done with lugging around huge racks. My rig is getting scaled down to something realistic and something that sounds amazing. The Fractal Audio Axe-FX II and the Matrix GT800 amp weigh about 12 lbs. combined and they sound HUGE! Seriously, the next guitarist I meet that tells me that they have to have a 100 watt Marshall to get tone is gonna get my foot up his ass, haha.”

Demos was recently added to the lineup of artists performing at Rock Harvest II. The two day rock and metal concert will be held on November 8th - 9th, 2013. The House Of Rock in White Marsh, MD is going to be home to the two day festival of melodic, thrash, power, hair, and hard rock music. Tickets will go on sale February 1st, 2013.

In addition to Xander, confirmed acts for Rock Harvest II include RON KEEL, LEATHERWOLF, MITCH MALLOY, DC4, RUSS DWARF (KILLER DWARFS) and FARCRY, among others, with more acts being announced soon.

"We're stoked to have Xander Demos on the lineup for this great cause," said Michael Stover, Xander Demos' manager and owner, MTS Management Group. "Xander is one of today's premiere shredders, heavily influenced by some of the guys on this bill, so it makes total sense to have him sharing the stage with so many incredible artists. The fact that he is always up for helping a good cause made this a no-brainer."

More information on Rock Harvest at this location.

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