DEVILDRIVER, BRING ME THE HORIZON Interviewed On France's Metal XS; Video Streaming

March 11, 2013, 11 years ago

hot flashes news bring me the horizon xs devildriver

France's HardForceTV has issued Episode #13 of the first season of their Metal XS program, this time featuring interviews with DEVILDRIVER and BRING ME THE HORIZON.

Devildriver guitarists Mike Spreitzer and Jeffrey Kendrick talk about their upcoming album: ”We just recorded the 6th album and it’ll be out in August or September on Napalm Records, we’re not sure what we’re gonna call it yet... We’ll we kinda do but we’re not gonna say it!", says Jeffrey.

They also talk about the COAL CHAMBER reformation and the possibility of penalizing Devildriver. Says Jeffrey: "I don’t think about stuff like that, I think everyone is pretty busy with Devildriver and everyone in the band does other things... We just focus on what we can do at a present moment. Devildriver has a pretty intense schedule planned out.” Mike contiues: “I’ve been in the band for 9 years now, and he’s been doing that for 10 or 11.. I don’t think we ever had 3 months off! I think we almost oversaturated some markets so I think it’ll be nice to stay away and let things breath for a little while.”

Bring Me The Horizon singer Oliver Sykes talks about the upcoming album, Sempiternal: “We feel more confident every time we do an album, we figure out what worked and didn’t work before. For this new album we kinda took all of what worked before and used that, I think we really pushed ourselves hard this time to do something vastly different to our last album in every aspect. I think we feel quite confident, we really wanted to try stuff we’ve never tried before."

Watch the episode below:

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