NOMINON Part Ways With Guitarist: "Another BULLET In The Coffin..."

March 14, 2013, 11 years ago

hot flashes news nominon bullet

Old school Swedish death metallers NOMINON have checked in with the following update:

"As some of you dedicated soldiers might already have noticed, a while ago our guitarist Alex Lyrbo joined the heavy metal band BULLET. At first he wanted to be part of both bands, but things have changed and now Alex has decided to step down from his position in Nominon.

We thank Alex for his time in the band and for being part of such a powerhouse as The Cleansing album. This is actually the second Nominon member that leave us for Bullet over the years, since bassist Lenny Blade also left us in 2004 to concentrate on the very same band. So there's nothing really new under the horizon, is it?

Never mind, Nominon will continue. New material is being executed as we speak, and an collection album to celebrate the 20 year anniversary of the band will also be out later in 2013. Meanwhile, all you warriors can now order the brand new T-shirt The Cleansing" that we have printed in a limited edition. This shirt looks fucking KILLER! Check the Merch-section for further ordering info here.

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