TRANSATLANTIC - New Album In The Works

March 29, 2013, 11 years ago

hot flashes news transatlantic

In a recent interview with Dutch Progressive Rock Page, vocalist/mult-instrumentalist NEAL MORSE (ex-SPOCK'S BEARD) revealed that a new TRANSATLANTIC album is in the works:

"We are going to start working on a new Transatlantic album! We have set dates in May and, my friends, it is actually happening! Before I left for the tour - and even just a few days ago - I had a lot of really strong prog music ideas that I’m really excited about presenting to the guys. But, of course everything has to be kind of secret until we actually do it, so I can’t say or tell much more than that, but we’re all really excited about it! We will probably look for a release in early 2014. But, who knows? I’m just glad we are doing it!”

Go to this location for the complete interview.

Transatlantic also features drummer Mike Portnoy (ADRENALINE MOB, ex-DREAM THEATER), guitarist Roine Stolte (THE FLOWER KINGS) and bassist Pete Trewavas (MARILLION).

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