NEWSTED Confirmed For Gigantour 2013

April 30, 2013, 11 years ago

hot flashes news newsted

NEWSTED, the band fronted by former METALLICA/VOIVOD/FLOTSAM AND JETSAM bassist Jason Newsted are the latest act confirmed for Gigantour 2013.

Megadeth mainman Dave Mustaine says that Gigantour 2013 dates will be announced this week.

Three other confirmed bands for Gigantour 2013 are HELLYEAH, DEATH DIVISION and DEVICE.

Gigantour tour was founded in 2005 with dates across North America, and the 2006 and 2007 line-ups also traveled to Australia. The bands appearing at the festival were chosen by Mustaine because he wanted to "put together a festival that consisted of positive bands that play heavy music in a high energy environment." The name Gigantour was inspired by the classic 1960s anime Gigantor.

Gigantour 2012 featured MOTÖRHEAD, VOLBEAT and LACUNA COIL and ran from early January to early March.

For more details visit Gigantour on Facebook.

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