August 15, 2013, 10 years ago

compulsions new york dolls roses rock hard news guns

New York City band THE COMPULSIONS continue to hole up in the studio as they record the follow-up to 2011's critically acclaimed album, Beat The Devil. The forthcoming full-length is still without a release date or title, however track titles include 'Hellbound Babies', 'Silly Li'l Woman' and 'House Of Rock', a song inspired by shuttered New York nightclub Don Hill's.

The band are offering a free rough mix of the song 'House Of Rock'. Says the band: "You can download it now here. Once you get there, click the Music link near Download Assets in the lower left corner and follow instructions. "House Of Rock" isn't finished yet but we hope you enjoy listening to this work in progress. Groove on! Offer expires August 17, 2013 at midnight."

Frontman Rob Carlyle says: "Like our other records, there'll be plenty of dirty rock 'n' roll on this new one plus a few musical twists and turns to keep you guessing. You'll hear all kinds of influences: funk, punk, blues, rockabilly and this time around, there's even a little Indian flavor on there."

The Compulsions also feature Richard Fortus on guitars and Frank Ferrer on drums, both from GUNS N' ROSES, as well as Sami Yaffa of HANOI ROCKS and NEW YORK DOLLS fame on bass.

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