Ex-VINNIE VINCENT INVASION Drummer Bobby Rock On Working With LITA FORD - "I Understand The Kind Of Feeling She Likes... That Arena Rock Feel... Hitting Hard And Heavy"

August 15, 2013, 10 years ago

hot flashes news lita ford vinnie vincent invasion

Metal-Rules.com's Marko Syrjala has issued a new interview conducted with LITA FORD/ex-VINNIE VINCENT INVASION drummer Bobby Rock. An excerpt follows...

Q: You’re here (Sweden) with Lita Ford. How did this collaboration get started?

A: "They just – the regular guy (Scott Coogan) that had been playing with them and suddenly there was a scheduling conflict, so they just called me out of the blue. The show was less than one week away and they wanted to know if I was available. I said sure. We got together rehearsed a couple of times, I did the show, that was it. And then after that I just stayed on board, you know?"

Q: So how familiar you were with Lita Ford’s music before you got this gig?

A: "I had heard some of her stuff through the years, but there was a whole show to learn quickly. But I’ve been doing that my whole life, you know?"

Q: You have never played with her until now?

A: "I don’t recall ever having played a show with her through the years."

Q: You have worked with many different bands and personalities in the past but what is it like to work with Lita?

A: "She’s cool, we got no problem, she knows what she likes; she is good at expressing what she wants and certain things. But there is not really much to talk about, it just, I understand the kind of feeling she likes that arena rock feel hitting hard and heavy."

Q: You’re talking about the 80’s stuff?

A: "Well I mean that’s probably 70’s – 80’s is when that feel was really cultivated you know? Even back when Zeppelin, but I call it the arena rock feel. And it’s pretty timeless. And modern drummers they play, it’s a different feel. It’s a different kind of thing. So I think what I do, what I specialize in is – of course I studied all different kinds of drumming – but to be able to do that kind of feel or whatever is a special thing."

Read the full interview at Metal-Rules.com.

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