OBITUARY Complete Writing New Album - "The Old Florida Rednecks Pulled One Of The Bag And Created A Sick Record"

November 2, 2013, 10 years ago

hot flashes news obituary

Legendary Florida death metallers OBITUARY have issued the following update:

"So we made it home alive and in one piece from the EastCoast Run. Thank you EVERYBODY that came out to see us! We had a Blast with you guys Jamming ALL the Old Classic Songs. Always a good time with those.... Now it's time to get back to business and keep working on the new album. We have all the songs written, now we will take our time, trim the fat and focus on making these bass boys as Bad-Ass as possible. We can't be more excited how they are turning out and are so ready to start recording them! You guys will be so proud of us when you hear it. The old Florida rednecks pulled one out of the bag and created a sick record!

Fast, slow, mid-tempo groove, gut-wrenching and heavy as all get out!! Can't wait for you to hear it!"

Obituary have been working at their own Redneck Studios in Tampa following-up to 2009's punishing Darkest Day full-length.

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