SEPULTURA Frontman Derrick Green On Electro-Funk Project MAXIMUM HEDRUM - "It Was Something I Wanted To Do Just Because I Wanted To Expand, To Break Out And Try Something Different"

November 13, 2013, 10 years ago

hot flashes news sepultura maximum hedrum

Radio Metal has published a new interview with SEPULTURA vocalist Derrick Green, talking about the production of their new album and his electro-funk project MAXIMUM HEDRUM. An excerpt follows:

Q: You now have an Electro Funk project called Maximum Hedrum which sounds very surprising for an extreme metal singer! Can you tell us more about it?

A: "Absolutely! My mother was a music teacher, and I started at a very young age learning about music, classical music, gospel music... And I love the art! I was approached by a friend of mine, Sam Spiegel, he’s from LA, and he has written a bunch of songs and had ideas he’d been writing with this guy, Harold Faltermeyer, who was a big 80’s writer for a lot of soundtracks from Top Gun to The Beverly Hills Cop... He was pretty central at the time of synthesizers. Him and Georgio Moroder, they were like neck and neck, writing a lot of stuff for movies. Anyway, he had this idea, my friend Sam came to me and said: “I have this project; we should try to do something. I really like your voice.” And I wanted to show my voice in a different way. And I’ve never done that or recorded anything like that before. And as a musician, I was like: “Man, I’m an artist, I should show the different sides of my voice and explore it.” And so with this, I could really explore it. Electronic music is something that I wasn’t familiar with. I like certain things, electronically, and I thought that it was interesting to create in that style. It was something I wanted to do just because I wanted to expand, to break out and try something different. And I think that had an impact in making an even heavier, metalized, album. It’s kind of funny, but it brought about a lot of different ideas and it pushed me to use the diversity of my voice with Sepultura. It’s something that’s still going on. With Maximum Hedrum, we’re going to play Rock In Rio the same day as Sepultura (;aughs), in a different stage. And we’re doing touring as much as possible when we can, just really kind of blowing people’s minds, just trying to do something that’s out of the ordinary, not typical. So, I love doing that!"

Q: Do you think Sepultura fans can enjoy Maximum Hedrum?

A: "I think there are some fans! I mean, I have a lot of really positive feedback from metal fans, which is surprising, because I was expecting

much less. But I was actually underestimating a lot of people, because they have open minds, and they like other things besides metal! So, a lot of people think it’s pretty cool, and the people that don’t like it and aren’t interested, they just don’t really say anything and don’t listen to

it, they don’t have an opinion, because they’re not really paying attention to it. But the people that are listening to it and liking it have been really, really supportive."

Read the full interview at this location.

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