NAUMACHIA - New Album Finished, First Song Available Online

March 15, 2014, 10 years ago

news life in black naumachia

Norwegian/Polish blackened death metal act NAUMACHIA, ) has finished work on their fourth full-length album entitled Machine Of Creation. Last year in Hertz Studio (BEHEMOTH, VADER) the musicians recorded, mixed and mastered 10 new songs.

'Multiple Personality' was chosen as the first song to promote the new album. It features vocal parts recorded years ago by Covan (ex-DECAPITATED), for the planned but never released third ATROPHIA RED SUN album. This song also features vocals by Marcin Urbas (ex-SCEPTIC), and can be heard now:

Machine Of Creation is set for a late Spring release, and features the following 10 tracks:

'Amging Sun'

'Primal Instinct'



'Men Of Down'

'Machine Of Creation'

'Scorched Earth'

'Multiple Personality'



The band comments on the final outcome: “This is an extremely important album for us – when it comes to new approach to songs, the sound quality, but first and foremost because of the fact that we composed it with S?awek, our friend and bandmate that we miss a lot. Wies?awscy Bros quickly caught on our intentions and helped us push Naumachia one step further. Music here is very diversified, there are lots of levels and references. Tempos are a bit slower then before. We’ve worked hard on the rhythm and melodies. One can even notice that we turned to the first album, Wrathorn, in a sense. Most songs appeared naturally during rehearsals, music got more energy and space. You’ll find here lots of electronic parts composed by VX. We’re very satisfied with the final outcome, and can’t wait to present the album live on stage”.

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