SCAR THE MARTYR Part Ways With Vocalist

April 10, 2014, 10 years ago

hot flashes news scar the martyr

SCAR THE MARTYR, helmed by former SLIPKNOT drummer JOEY JORDISON, has issued the following statement:

"To address the recent Scar The Martyr news out there and make sure all the facts are straight, Scar The Martyr has parted ways with Henry (Derek - vocalist), not the other way around. With all that's been going on of late we have been forced to take a very careful look at how we are moving forward, and with there being some creative and personal differences it made sense to move on without Henry."

"We have been very focused on new Scar The Martyr material and we couldn't be more excited with how the music is coming out. We are in the process of looking for a new singer and will have news on the search very soon.

We appreciate all the support from our fans and we can't wait to share the next phase of STM with all of you. We wish Henry best of luck going forward."

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