Full Shred With MARTY FRIEDMAN - Making Licks Your Own; Video Available

April 25, 2014, 10 years ago

news riff notes marty friedman

Guitarist MARTY FRIEDMAN (ex-MEGADETH) has launched a new column and video series through Guitar World, Full Shred With Marty Friedman. Check out the first clip and an introduction below:

Friendman: "Hello, and welcome to my new GW instructional column. It's good to be back! I hope the ideas and concepts I present here in the coming months will give you inspiration and insight into your own path to musical creativity.

The most important thing I can say is that you should always strive to make your own distinct musical statement with what you play on the guitar.

Once you've learned from the examples I present in this column, I would like you to completely disregard the examples themselves and retain only the techniques contained within them.

As soon as you get the idea of where I'm coming from with a certain lick or phrase, I want you to change it into something of your own invention and tap into your own creative curiosity as quickly and fully as possible.

For the tabs to this lesson, be sure to check out the new June 2014 issue of Guitar World!"

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