NEUROSONIC - Canadian Act Deemed "Terrorist Threat"; Pedal Board Confiscated By FBI Following Discovery Of "Coded Letter"

September 19, 2006, 17 years ago

news fbi rock hard neurosonic

NEUROSONIC frontman/mastermind Jason Darr recently checked in at the band's official MySpace page with an update on the band's gear, which went missing following a brief jaunt opening for Bif Naked in the UK:

The Terrorist Threat Known As Neurosonic

Well, this has been the most interesting day of this tour and we didn't even have a show!!! If you have been following our blogs, you will recall our terrible luck at Heathrow Airport last month. We lost a lot of gear and personal luggage...

Well, as the weeks have gone by, we finally get the call from those British Airways f***ers. They have our Germany!!! Finally!!! So, they say they can get them to us in Houston, but only 6 of the 9 pieces showed up. They have no idea where the other stuff is...

...Until today... I get a call from a security official at OHare airport in Chicago. It seems that my pedal board that was missing has been confiscated by the FBI. Since it was a bunch of wires and stuff in a hardcase, they opened it to see what it was. They discovered something very serious and they found it extremely threatening to the safety of Americans. Inside my pedal board was a coded terror letter that referred to violence...

"Are you sh**ing me??" I asked this guy. What letter could be in my pedal case that would refer to death in some f***ing code???

I finally convinced the guy to read me this terrorist letter...and so he began, "Are Solar, Crazy Sheila, Fearless, So Many People, Frankenstein, I Will Always Be Your Fool, Until I Die..."

I burst out laughing. "Dude, that is what is known in the music industry as a set list", I explained in the confusion. "Its for stupid musicians like me who can't remember the song order at a show!" Chuckling at this knucklehead periodically, I started to relax. It gets better though...

It seems that they can't ship us this contraband because no courier will touch a hot item like that! But at least we know where it is...

Oh yeah... and we kicked the shit out of Dallas... Again!!!

Rock On


For more information on Neurosonic, including audio samples, go to this location. Their new album, Drama Queen, is out through Bodog Music.

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