BIOMECHANICAL Guitarist Endorsed By Dytone

November 6, 2006, 17 years ago

hot flashes news biomechanical

BIOMECHANICAL guitarist Jamie is now endorsed by Dytone, and has issued the following: "What happened is the guys from Guitar, amp and keyboard in Brighton basically arranged for a string endorsement for the tour, and as a result of this I got a Dytone endorsement.

Dytone is a German company that makes effects pedals, they are all handmade - I use them for distortion boost on solos and also the delays in choruses

Maybe in the future I'll have a chance to have some hand made to my specification!"

See more about Dytone at this location.

As previously reported, Biomechanical recently posted guitar tabs online for their latest album, Empires Of The Worlds, which will be re-released on Earache with bonus footage and a cover of JUDAS PRIEST's Painkiller on November 13th.

The tabs for all The Empires Of The Worlds tracks, apart from 'Sibelius', can be found here.

The latest addition, the "Enemy Within" tabs, were created by Chris Webb and "The Empires" tabs by Jamie Hunt. The tabs were done for Guitar Pro 5. There are also two pdf files for those who don't have the Guitar Pro 5 program (

Catch Biomechanical live on tour with EXODUS on the following dates:


6 - Wolverhampton, England at Wulfrun Hall
7 - London, England at Underworld
8 - Paris, France at Venue TBA
9 - Eindhoven, Holland at Effenaar
10 - Haarlem, Holland at Patronaat
11 - Hasselt, Belgium at Muziek-o-droom
13 - Osnabrück, Germany at Rosenhof
14 - Bochum, Germany at Matrix
15 - Schweinfurt, Germany at Stattbahnhof
16 - Berlin, Germany at Kato
17 - Saarbrucken, Germany at Roxy
18 - Copenhagen, Denmark at Kino
19 - Olso, Norway at John Dee
20 - Gothenburg, Sweden at Sticky Fingers
22 - Oulu, Finland at Teatria
23 - Helsinki, Finland at Tavastia
25 - Poznan, Poland at Eskalup
26 - Brno, Czech Republic at Faval club
27 - Wien, Austria at Arena
28 - Budapest, Hungary at Wigwam
29 - Belgrade, Serbia at SKC
30 - Padova, Italy at Sottosopra


1 - Siena, Italy at Sonar Club
2 - Senigalia (Ancona), Italy at Mamamia
3 - Naples, Italy at Duel Beat
4 - Wil, Switzerland at Remise
5 - Lyon, France at Venue TBA
7 - Villareal, Spain at Salatal
8 - Bilbao, Spain at Santana
9 - Madrid, Spain at Ritmo & Compas
10 - Barcelona, Spain at Apolo 2

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