NEUROSONIC - New Track Available For Streaming And Download

November 8, 2006, 17 years ago

news rock hard neurosonic

NEUROSONIC, hailing from Vancouver, Canada and featuring former OUT OF YOUR MOUTH frontman Jason Darr, have made the new song 'Crazy Sheila' available for streaming and download at their official MySpace page. Go to this location to check it out. The song 'Are Solar' is also available for dowbload. Both tracks are taken from the band's debut album, Drama Queen, out through Bodog Music.

As previously reported, Neurosonic have announced a number of live dates for the United States. They are as follows:


12 - Rock N Roll Hotel in Washington DC, Washinton
13 - Warsaw in Brooklyn, New York
14 - Warsaw in Brooklyn, New York
16 - Logan Square in Chicago, Illinois
19 - State Theater in Detroit, Michigan
21 - The Middle East in Cambridge, Massachusettes

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