HAREM SCAREM Guitarist's FAIR GROUND Debut A Top Seller In First Week Of Release, Promo Tour For Western Canada Announced

November 11, 2006, 17 years ago

news rock hard harem scarem fair ground

As previously reported, HAREM SCAREM guitarist Pete Lesperance has a side project with ex-OUR LADY PEACE guitarist Mike Turner called FAIR GROUND. Their debut album, Down In It, was released via CDBaby.com this week. Leperance has issued the following update:

"Hey folks,

Fair Ground is in cdbabys top sellers list this week. Not bad for four days in! Big thanks to anyone that bought a copy of the record!

CD Baby's top sellers of the week!

Also, we’ve just confirmed a short Western promo-tour of radio and such to support the record and well. We should get together with YOU! We’re in Vancouver on the 19th and 20th, Calgary on the 22nd, Edmonton on the 23rd and Winnipeg on the 24th. Any ideas?

All the updates will be on the FG MySpace page in the next week.

Hope to see some of you out there.

And...thanks again for shopping Fair Ground!"

Later Babies


Down In It can be purchased here. Audio samples are available.

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