SCARLET SINS - Top Ten Things Overheard In Producer RICH CHYCKI's Studio

November 22, 2006, 17 years ago

hot flashes news scarlet sins rich chycki

As reported exclusively by BW&BK;, Canadian all-female act Scarlet Sins have been working with producer Richard Chycki (AEROSMITH, Mick Jagger, James LaBrie) on their full length debut album. Recording is now complete, and the band has issued the following "update":

Top Ten Things Overheard In Rich Chycki's Studio

10: "Is that lube on the mic and why does it smell like ass?"

9: "That was great! Can we do that take again without the suck?"

8: "My nipples are still aching!"

7: "Fuckin' blondes!"

6: "Are we out of wine already?!?"

5: "Is that mookie calling again?"

4: "Is that space on the wall for our album?"

3: "Tanya is never driving the tour bus!" (See previous blog)

2: "Will this song buy me my first car?"

And the number one thing overheard in Rich Chycki's studio....


1: "Damn, those braces hurt!"

Scarlet Sins are expected to release their debut album in early 2007.

For more information on the band go to this location.

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