BLACK STONE CHERRY - 'Hell & High Water' Video Online Now

November 27, 2006, 17 years ago

news rock hard black stone cherry

BLACK STONE CHERRY's new video, for the song 'Hell & High Water' is available for viewing here.

In other news, guitarist Ben Wells has penned part one of The Adventures of BSC:

"Well well well...

We've had an interesting week and a half! Everything's fine and dandy now... but let's start with the day before the show in Denver, CO. It was Nov. 20th - we stopped at a truck stop to eat and then head to Denver to spend our day off... we were only 80 miles away. We get a bite to eat, get back on the bus, and Bob, our wonderful friend and driver, notices a little problem with shifting... a transmission problem. Well, he turns the bus off and starts it up again and it's workin' now, so we head down the road and it of course starts to mess up a bit so Bob pulls off the road and we sit. After a few minutes, one of BLS's buses comes by and pulls over too. So after the bus company finds a wrecker service in Denver (80 miles away) to come pick up the bus, the whole band gets on with BLS and rides the rest of the way to check in to the hotel. Bob and our trusty David stayed with the bus. So, that night, we all stayed in one hotel room ( = no sleep) and had to be up the next morning by check out and take a cab over to the venue. So we get to the venue and it's awesome... the mountains were beautiful and were right outside the theatre. With nothing to do, and no equipment to unload, we find a little diner and the cook recognizes us which was awesome...

So Bob calls back and says the bus needs a new transmission and it'll be the next afternoon or Monday before it's fixed. Now, this isn't good b/c we had a show the next day in Salt Lake City, UT. So a little panic attack goes on and we try to figure out what to do. We decided to rent a Uhaul for Dave and Joe to load up and drive to Salt Lake City after the show - and the band ride with BLS. Well, we hated for Dave and Joe to have to do this - but we couldn't cancel the show! So we take a taxi over to the Uhaul place, drop Dave and Joe off, and meet them at the bus garage. We got there and our bus is being repaired by two really nice guys who were awesome and worked really hard! Well, they tell us the bus may be ready by that night b/c they found a transmission that would work. So, hours go by, and we unload the gear into the Uhaul and some of the guys go on over to the gig - doors open in a couple hours at this point...

So after a while, the rest of us get our clothes together and decide to take a cab to the show - just to be safe. So Bob stayed at the garage while they worked away to try and fix it.

We get to the gig and the show went awesome! Denver was a great crowd and loved them some BSCherry! Thanks Denver! YOU ROCK!!

After the show, Bob shows up with the wonderful magic bus and we are so happy to see her. So we load the bus back up and are all ready for sleep. It had been a long day.

So the next day in Salt Lake City was great, too!! That place was beautiful and was a rockin' show!

Then came Thanksgiving. We were100 miles from Seattle on the 23rd and trapped in the snow. So we stopped off the interstate and got a hotel next to a Thanksgiving buffet and had Thanksgiving dinner with our brothers in Black Label Society. It was fun... a nice meal! (Not like Momma's cookin' tho). So that night, John Fred gets bad sick. Lots of throwin up and just a big mess. So the next day - we had to take JF to a community hospital and at that point had to back off that night's show. It sucked and we really didn't want to cancel Seattle - but JF was in bad shape. So the doctors fill him with fluids and we head to the next location -Portland, OR. Well, that night, I, Ben start to get sick. So I get what JF had and go through the whole vomitting process... it sucked bad...

The next day, my 21st birthday, I spent pretty sore and we went and did the show that night. JF and I barely made it through it, but it rocked anyway! Thanks to the crowd for wishing me a happy birthday!

So now we're back on the road-feelin' great... and headin' to San Diego! California is gonna be a blast!

Thanks for takin' the time to read this... we just wanted to update ya on a few things! We care about you and you needed to know!

So remember now to pick up that album... get the new EP, and keep rockin' out with us!!



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