OPPOSITE SIDES Complete Work On Debut Album

December 3, 2006, 17 years ago

hot flashes news opposite sides

OPPOSITE SIDES, featuring international rock/metal session drummer Diego "GroM" Meraviglia (ex-ANCIENT, HORTUS ANIMAE) have finished mixing and mastering their debut full-length album, Soul Mechanics. Says the band, "it's modern, melodic yet obscure and bizarre extreme metal with a jazz-ambient, electronic and industrial flavour. (We are) now searching for a professional, dedicated label willing to promote and distribute this full-produced opus."

Soul Mechanics will feature the following tracklisting: 'Soul Mechanics: Enter', 'The Human Thirst', 'A Grinded Position Of Pray', 'Chaotic Order', 'The Mourning Portal', 'Until The End', 'No Faith', 'Infinity', 'Soul Mechanics: Construction', 'Breed Machineries', 'Revenge', 'Loveless', 'Soul Mechanics: Coda'.

Niklas Sundin of Cabin Fever Media Studios (www.cabinfevermedia.com - DARK TRANQUILLITY, ARCH ENEMY, IN FLAMES, etc.) has done the artwork for the album - click left to view.

Audio samples are available at at www.oppositesides.com.

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