ANGTORIA Vocalist SARAH JEZEBEL DEVA Takes A Look Back At 2006

January 6, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news sarah jezebel deva angtoria

ANGTORIA / CRADLE OF FILTH vocalist Sarah Jezebel Deva has issued the following recap of 2006:

"2006 is gone. Im 95% happy with my year. A few shit shows, a few very shit shows but that's life. You try your hardest and you can't win them all. It's good experience. Of course, you don't feel so good knowing if you have messed up! Sound sometimes gets the better of you, illness does too but you fight on huh! What inspired me to write this blog? My mate Mr. Pybus! He had some people to thank and I do too! But not before I've said what I need to say!

As I've come to realise, opening up online, being honest and speaking your mind can get you into deep shit. It doesn't matter how sincere your words are, people read things how they want to read them and with no emotion. A few things that I've written this year have been taken out of context and offended some people that I would NEVER offend, but once it all blew over and I came face to face with the offended, the important ones, all was sorted and understood and relationships were renewed, restored and even new ones formed. For those who view things with an open mind and know how the press can be, ready to stir up shit,drag your name through the dirt with NO consideration to the damage they can cause and watch it turn into a full scale bitching match. To be surrounded by people who think for themselves and analyse before they accuse is what I'm grateful for. For those who come to you and nip the bullshit in the bud and understand that it doesn't matter how heart felt your words may be, there is always some retarded person waiting to score points with fans and try to start a war knowing that the person on the other end will find it almost impossible to defend themselves. (It's usually some press guy who hasn't had his 5 seconds of fame).

I'm so very proud of the people I choose to call my friends because if it wasn't for my friends, I could never have completed God Has A Plan For Us All. I love what I do. It takes balls to stand up their and do what we do. We try to be the best we can be and follow our hearts and if we fail, oh well... at least we tried!

There's not too many to thank. Everyone that is connected to Angtoria and who helped make the video. Dave Pybus, Kevin Papworth, Laura Woodley, Edward (SJD Music profile) Maniac, Legion and Irina and finally Emil and The DeathStars for being able to sort the truth from the bullshit. I love you very much, all of you."

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