BLIND GUARDIAN - Gibson Guitars Interview Featuring MARCUS SIEPEN Available

January 7, 2007, 17 years ago

news blind guardian marcus siepen riff notes

Gibson Guitars recently conducted an interview with BLIND GUARDIAN guitarsit Marcus Siepen. The original German version appears at this location. A complete translation can be found below:

Blind Guardian - This band is a synonym for classic and bombastic Heavy Metal. Just having released their A Twist In The Myth album, the German powerhouse is touring the world. After once again conquering Europe and the United States last year, they will continue playing shows in Japan and Australia in February, following by dates in Spain and Greece and on several festival bills.

Handling guitar duties since the bands inception is Marcus Siepen, an avid lover of Gibson Les Pauls. In this chat he talks guitars and the world of riffs in general.

Gibson: When did you start playing guitar?

Siepen: "When I was 11 years old."

Gibson: Why did you start playing?

Siepen: "My parents wanted me to play an instrument. I was a metalhead these days, so my decision was: guitar."

Gibson: What is your live equipment?

Siepen: "I use miscellaneous Gibson Les Pauls and Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifiers."

Gibson: How many hours do you practise?

Siepen: "That depends. When I am in the mood i can practice for hours. But to be honest, sometimes I am really lazy (laughs)."

Gibson: Is there a song that drove you mad while practicing and made you throw your guitar out the window?

Siepen: "Definitely! There have been a couple of songs that drove me insane. I can clearly remember how I tried to play 'The Prisoner' by IRON MAIDEN. The riffs were no problem at all, but the solo was a damn hard nut to crack."

Gibson: Why did you choose the Les Paul as your main guitar?

Siepen: "Simple; it is the perfect guitar! For years I played a lot of different custom made guitars, which were built according to my specifications with the aim to be the perfect instrument fitting for me. I bought my first Gibson Les Paul Custom at a local musicstore, and this guitar is my all time favourite still today. That Les Paul Custom blew me away, I couldn´t believe and still can´t believe it. I finally found my personal holy grail...."

Gibson: Which is your favourite guitar sound on a record ?

Siepen: "At the moment I am really into the guitar sound of the ALTER BRIDGE debut album. A massive sound right into your face, killer...."

Gibson: What is the worst guitar sound?

Siepen: "Everything that has no balls...."

Gibson: Who is your biggest influence?

Siepen: "Oh, there is a lot. I like the playing of guys like Zakk Wylde, Toni Iommi, Thin Lizzy, Michael Schenker, Randy Rhoads..."

Gibson: What is the guitar of your dreams?

Siepen: "Look at the pictures! Definitely my black Gibson Les Paul Custom. It is like the God of Guitars himself created an axe that fits me 110 percent. Isn´t she a beauty? But two weeks ago she got some competition. My new Standard Premium Plus is as perfect as my beloved black beauty."

Gibson: What is the ugliest guitar you have ever seen that you would never go on stage with?

Siepen: "There used to be some questionable designs and colours out there with jags, spikes and so on. Colours that wanted me to puke. I like it classic and simple."

Gibson: Characterize the typical Les Paul/Flying V/Explorer player !

Siepen: "The Flying V department tends towards the Michael Schenker style, where players clamp their V between their legs during solos, but that doesn´t help make the solo sound better (laughs). Explorer players tend more towards the James Hetfield attitude. They let the guitar cover their crotch (laughs). It is not easy reaching for the strings while the guitar hangs so low, but who cares, it looks really mighty. And by the way: we Les Paul players rock!"

Gibson: Which guitar player looks coolest on stage?

Siepen: "Zakk Wylde - before he turned into a wood gnome..."

Gibson: Which player is the uncoolest?

Siepen: "Everyone that has his guitar attached under his chin."

For more info on Blind Guardian go to For more info on Gibson Guitars go to

(Thanks Christof)

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