Report: QUEEN + PAUL RODGERS Recording Sessions Went Well

January 12, 2007, 17 years ago

queen news rock hard paul rodgers

Launch Radio Networks has issued the following report from Bruce Simon:

The members of QUEEN are really happy with the new material they recently recorded with PAUL RODGERS.

Guitarist Brian May and drummer Roger Taylor were interviewed on the CBC TV show The Hour, which airs weeknights across Canada, and host George Stroumboulopoulos asked them how work was progressing on a new album.

May said, "We went in the studio... to see what happens, 'cause we've already tested it pretty good on stage, and that works great... And we went in almost unprepared... and came up with some tracks, which I think are really great. They're very different, they're very unlike anything that we've done, or anything that Paul's done."

Taylor added that the sessions "went spectacularly well."

May also said, "It's gonna be good, 'cause next time we go out (on tour), we won't just be nostalgia, we will be 'This is what we are.'"

Neither May nor Taylor said when a new album might be released, or when a tour might begin.

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