TED NUGENT’s T-Shirt Choice Causes Stir In Austin

January 19, 2007, 17 years ago

news rock hard ted nugent

According to Kwtx.com, the Confederacy is creating a stir this week in Austin after rocker TED NUGENT wore a T-shirt emblazoned with the Confederate flag on stage at Governor Rick Perry's inaugural ball Tuesday night.

Perry spokesman Robert Black says officials would never try to squelch anyone's freedom of expression and most everyone who saw Nugent's show enjoyed it.

But Gary Bledsoe with the Texas NAACP says the Confederate battle flag is never appropriate.

Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson didn't have a problem with Nugent's use of the Confederate flag.

Patterson said Thursday he didn't think it was inappropriate, saying part of Nugent's "schtick" is to generate controversy.

Patterson made the comments shortly after getting a $250 donation from the Descendants of Confederate Veterans for a project to preserve historic maps and records.

Three of the descendants, dressed like Confederate soldiers, presented the check to Patterson and posed for pictures.

Bledsoe says the historical significance of the Confederacy should be acknowledged, but not celebrated.

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