SLAGMAUR - Unmastered Version Of Domfeldt Available For Limited Free Download

January 31, 2007, 17 years ago

news slagmaur life in black

The unmastered version of Domfeldt, the new album from cult Norwegian underground black metallers SLAGMAUR, is being made available for free download for a limited time starting at midnight Norwegian time on Friday, February 2nd, and will include a special introduction which will only be found on the download.

The finished album itself was due to be released at the same time, however, work on mastering the vocals was delayed after one of the many arguments between Slagmaur’s founder General Gribbsphiiser and vocalist Aatselgribb, broke out into a fight. The two have a long history of airing their differences not just vocally but also physically, and the studio decided that this time enough was enough and ejected the pair.

The General is philosophical about the volatile relationship between the two saying, in something of an understatement, “Collaborating with him is usually an interesting experience.”

The CD will be available to download on the band website, for a total of 12 hours to take into account all the different time zones, after which it will be taken off, and the final version will be released in a month's time, once the vocals have been mastered.

Domfeldt is the third and last of the band's demos and completes the Protocols Of Fosen Trilogy. Slagmaur recently signed to German label Black Hate Productions, who will shortly be releasing the first demo, Svin, on CD and vinyl formats.

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