February 12, 2007, 17 years ago

velvet revolver news rock hard black eyed peas

VELVET REVOLVER site reports:

"Slash jammed with the BLACK EYED PEAS on 'Let's Get It Started' at Avalon in Hollywood.

The Black Eyed Peas threw a benefit concert for their Peapod Foundation, which helps underprivileged children around the world. This year's effort raised funds for the band's Peapod Music and Arts Academy, an educational center that will serve foster children in inner-city L.A.

Other guests included WYCLEF and JOHN LEGEND."

As previously reported, Velvet Revolver is recording it's second album, tentatively titled Libertad, with producer Brendan O'Brien, who's worked with AUDIOSLAVE, PEARL JAM and singer Scott Weiland's former group, STONE TEMPLE PILOTS. An initial stint with producer Rick Rubin did not work out.

Velvet Revolver hopes to release Libertad in June. Weiland is also working on his second solo album, which he said will surface sometime in 2008 on his own label, Softdrive Records.

(Note: Regarding the release of Velvet Revolver's new album, Sony BMG Norway ( have Libertad pencilled in for a May 14th release date. The album was expected in North America the following day, May 15th. Stay tuned for further updates).

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