SHINING Bassist Leaves Band; New Music Online

February 14, 2007, 17 years ago

news life in black shining

Swedish black metallers SHINING have updated their MySpace page to include a new song, 'Låt Oss Ta Allt Från Varandra', which will be included on the group's new album, V Halmstad, due this spring through Osmose Productions. Check out the new song at this location.

In other news, the group have posted the following: "Hallander (bass, 2005-2007) has decided to leave the band due to the negative emotions that have overwhelmed him since the day he first joined the band, emotions obviously caused by the band itself, that Hallander feels he no longer can handle...

A Quote From Kvarforth - 'Seriously, both me and the others knew this would happen sooner or later, I mean com'on! The guy did not bear a single scar on his body the day he met me and I knew that all that was driving him throughout the years was his quest for aknowledgement in the music industry and easier access to women, he was/is and will always remain a slave...'

Shining are now searching for a replacement..."

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