UFO Bassist PETE WAY - New Interviews Available

February 26, 2007, 17 years ago

pete way news rock hard ufo

Webmaster Joe Kleon has posted two new interviews with UFO bassist Pete Way, at Pete's official website, www.peteway.net.

The first was done December 26th, 2006 and Pete talks about UFO's 2006 tour, the new CD - Monkey Puzzle, playing again with original drummer Andy Parker, WAYSTED, and more. This interview clocks in at 16:15.

The most recent interview was conducted February 24th, 2007. Pete talks about the upcoming UFO tour, his DAMAGE CONTROL project, his efforts to be able to return to the United States, Waysted, soccer, and much more. Time - 14:32.

Interviews are available at this location.

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