ECHOES OF ETERNITY Guitarist Brandon Patton: "I Got The Idea To Form A Female Fronted Metal Band Several Years Ago"

February 27, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news echoes of eternity has issued an interview with ECHOES OF ETERNITY guitarist Brandon Patton, conducted by Mark Carras. The following is an excerpt from the interview:

Q: Now, since your band is going to be pretty new to our readers, and most of the world, since this is your first full length, could you give me a little history on how Echoes Of Eternity started, and how we came to where we are today?

A: "Absolutely. Basically I got the idea to form a female fronted metal band several years ago, maybe four or five years ago. Actually, even before Evanescence really blew up. I just didn’t have a singer. That was the whole problem was just finding our vocalist. But I definitely wanted to start playing melodic metal songs with a traditional song structure, and I wanted a female vocalist, but I just couldn’t find one where I live. I’m originally from South Carolina, and the musicians available there, there just wasn’t a broad range of people available to kind of fit what I wanted to do. I just happened to meet Francine at an audio school that we were going to in Florida. I already knew Kirk, the drummer. I’d known him for, I don’t know, fourteen years, probably. We played together in death metal projects in the mid-90s, so we were very familiar with each other, and with each other’s playing style. So, long story short, I hooked up with him, and I heard her voice, and I decided to try to do something. Actually Francine and Kirk had moved out to Los Angeles, and I moved out here shortly after that. And then Dwayne, the bass player, moved from Tokyo to Los Angeles. I’d already known him, as well, so everything worked out really well."

Read the full interview at this location. An audio version can be found here.

The band's debut album, The Forgotten Goddess, was officially released in North America on February 20th via Nuclear Blast. It was issued in Europe on February 2nd.

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