Behind The Scenes Of HEAVEN AND HELL

March 6, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news heaven and hell webmaster Joe Siegler has issued the following report:

"As the excitement and anticipation builds for the Heaven And Hell shows this year, lots of things are happening. Earlier today I got an email from Steve Mignardi, who is RONNI JAMES DIO's personal assistant. Steve alerted me to a blog he is running over on his myspace page which will detail some behind the scenes stuff from the road. He just started a few days ago, but even just from this stuff, it looks like things will be seriously good in this series as the tour gets on the road. I'm posting most of his existing entries here for you to catch up with. I'll also be alerting you to new entries as well

I found this stuff very enlightening to read, and I think you will too. A couple of the tidbits gleaned from his series are that rehearsals have now completed.

If you enjoy these entries, head over to Steve's Myspace page, and send him a line and let him know what you think. You can also read his entire series over there, too."

Read more here.

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