BOBNOXIOUS Frontman Checks In From The Road; "Beer, Sausages And Hockey Sticks"

May 6, 2007, 17 years ago

news bobnoxious rock hard

BOBNOXIOUS - featuring RAZOR frontman Bob Reid - are currently on the road in Canada in support of their new album, Rockaholics. Reid has issued the following update:

May 4th:

"Thunder Bay -- I hate to wait! This, I proclaim to be a stone in my rock'n'roll shoe, and because of an acoustic matinee by the Barenaked Garfunkels (taste of sarcasm, I'm sure they had a cool name) we are forced to 'wait' until their first set is over. Aaahh, Rock'n'Roll!! Rockin' what?

So roll we did.

Before the show at Jack's, I hooked up with Frank Loffredo, an old friend who booked us the gig as he has done for me and many Canadian bands over the years. Iit was great to see you again Frank. A big 'cheers fuckers' goes out to Frank and all at Jack's: JJ, Ryan, Mathew, Simone and the hot waitresses … and most importantly, all the rockers who came to the show and shared a few drinks with us.

If I had a beer for everytime we have blown a fuse in a bar…

Thanx Thunder Bay. We had fun, and the crew was wicked once again….winding guitar strings 101 not applicable.

After the show, the crew had everything loaded and it was time. The time is now and the crew want answers.

'So what are doing? Are we leaving or what?'

I hate to wait, and I hate the 'no win questions', and now I'm trying to 'thunk ah de rite choice' while powered by the forces of alcohol. It's 2:40 am and we have to be in Winnipeg at 7:00pm… and Winnipeg is roughly 8 ½ hours away, plus you gain an hour heading west…

On one hand we have a hotel room for the night with 2 dbl beds and 'ample parking' for the motor home. The crew has to be tired or soon will be..and understandably. The crew feels alert and ready to rock….I'd substitute for primed and ready to rock. I feel the unease, and through the buzz I'm thinking 'these guys should shower in the morning' - no offense - but come on, the safe thing to do if possible is crash and get a new start in a few hours.

'So now you're telling us when we should crash..What's it to you? You guys can sit there and drink and smoke the whole fuckin way.'

Ring Ring, the Voice of Reason….

Maybe it was the fact that we argued our differences for the better part of 15 minutes to a 'no decision', but eventually Dee with a fed up grin states he is going to the hotel room to crash and declares an early departure 'Fuckers!'

The remaining drunkards carry on. Last man standing, 4:17am."

May 5th:

"Wake Up call….I'll say. 'We're rollin!' and we were off.

Half asleep, I wasn't sure what had just happened but the vibrations of the R V were unmistakable. Even with my eyes closed I knew…yes indeed… we're rollin!! We traveled a very short distance...and stopped. Sleepers take heed; coffee stop, get it now or...

I opened my eyes to see unfinished beers balancing on the end of the kitchen counter, Jeffy's TV screen on the stove, my laptop stacked on top of somebody's bag stacked on top of a cooler and a kitchen counter littered in junk, all ready to fall over/go flying the first good turn…Trans-Canada highway = good turns. So the LasVegas odds are tallied up…those who had Bob snapping first… rejoice.

Doctor's orders….Wake and Bake. Two quick beers and a few good hockey sticks, guaranteed to take the edge off your morning. AAhhh….all good…..think I'll clean.

The attempt was made by myself to cook breakfast sausages on the hotplate for everyone. Trans-Canada highway = good turns. I 've heard this somewhere before. And the bonus that sausages are round is a sheer test of patience when one decides to surf and chef at the same time…and 12 cups of coffee brewing, or should I say splashing in the sink, turns into 8 cups of saved java.

It's better than nothing…nothing would have been easier but hey….I got the time!!!

Sometime after breakfast a stunned look takes over Jeffy's face. Is it my sausages….perhaps… but no…..Jeffy cannot find his wallet. And like most casualties of alcoholic indulgence, the re-tracing of footsteps leads one down a road of 'Oh yeah… I did go there.' Myself and Jeffy totally rip the RV apart desperately searching for his wallet. When Jeffy reaches despair, Todd looks in the one compartment that has been overlooked cause of the 'It wouldn't be in there...' episode. Yyou know that one….anyway…a reason for celebration…Jeffy – you're up. Start spinnin'."

Winnipeg Arrival: 4:35pm May 5th, cloudy and windy:

"We have just entered The Royal Albert. The last time I was long time ago. Just said hello to Wayne, who owns the place. He still looks the same, and so does the bar. Off to the hotel for showers, dinner at 6:30pm. Load-in is 7:45pm. Set time is 12 midnight."

Remaining dates on the tour are as follows:


7 - Banff, AB - Wild Bill's
8 - Golden, BC - Packers Place
9 - Edmonton, AB - The One
10 - Grande Prairie, AB - Better Than Fred's
11 - Grande Prairie, AB - Better Than Fred's
12 - Dawson's Creek, BC - Le Spot
14 - Vancouver, BC - The Plaza
17 - Calgary, AB - Back Alley
18 - Saskatoon, SK - The Roxy
19 - Winnipeg, MB - Shannons

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