NIKKI SIXX - 'Life Is Beautiful' Video Streaming Online Now

May 22, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news nikki sixx

The video for MÖTLEY CRÜE bassist NIKKI SIXX's new song 'Life Is Beautiful' can be viewed at (after the commercial).

'Life Is Beautiful' is the first single from the soundtrack to The Heroin Diaries, due in stores August 21st. The tune is performed by Sixx, James Michael and DJ Ashba (ex-BEAUTIFUL CREATURES). The trio are collectively known as SIXX:A.M.

As previously reported, The Heroin Diaries CD is a precursor to Sixx's autobiography of the same name, which arrives September 25th. The album's 12 tracks each match up with one chapter in the book.

The Heroin Diaries: A Year In The Life Of A Shattered Rock Star, offers an unflinching and utterly gripping look at Sixx's descent into drug addiction. The book is a tell-all covering 12 months in Sixx's battle against addiction, drawn from Nikki's 1986 and '87 journals, and reportedly makes Mötley's celebrated The Dirt, now being made into a motion picture, sound like Mary Poppins.

A portion of proceeds from both The Heroin Diaries CD and book will be donated to Nikki's Running Wild In The Night charity, a fundraising initiative for Covenant House.

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