STRAPPING YOUNG LAD Guitarist Welcomes Gene Hoglan's Return To The TENET Project

June 27, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news strapping young lad tenet

STRAPPING YOUNG LAD guitarist Jed Simon has issued the following update regarding his TENET project:

"You all must know already that Gene (Hoglan - Strapping Young Lad, ex-DARK ANGEL, DEATH, TESTAMENT) the Machine is back behind the drumkit for Tenet!

I saw that Gene made mention of it in his last blog, I figured it would be a good idea to confirm it, and expand on it a bit for ya.

Gene was originally in the band, and after Ozzfest last year I thought that maybe I should try and move on without any SYL influence and asked Adrian (Erlandsson - ex-CRADLE OF FILTH drummer) if he would play drums instead. Gene, of course, was very gracious about it...hell...when ISN'T he gracious, ya know?

Well we got through the recording process and to put it bluntly, Adrian was just not happy with his performance...the distance, the logistics, and his time schedules just kept clashing...I needed his drums done in February, and because of his hectic schedule, didn't get them until April.

As a result of that, the album had to be delayed a couple of times. I was used to the's been like that from day one, haha...but everything just started feeling 'rushed' around then. Adrian was so stressed out too, because he felt he wasn't giving it the attention he thought it deserved.

And to be honest, so were we.

His stuff was excellent...but in the end, we all agreed that it just wasn't right for the album. The 'feeling' just wasn't there.

And so Adrian, being a gentleman, stepped aside. Thank you Adrian for all the hard work my friend...I appreciate it all. I assure you that a certain member of the Mustelidae family will still go thankless!!!

And then I picked up the phone and called Gene.

Being a brother, he understood what was happening, and why it happened.

Dark Angel said 'Time Does Not Heal'...but for me in this case it did. And it didn't take very long at all to heal, as it were.

I said previously that I miss my SYL bros, so to have Gene back is not something I can readily explain. Ten plus years in a band with him has not only made me a much better guitarist, it's spoiled me in that I expect an awful lot from the other drummers I play with...much to their dismay I think sometimes. Haha!

That's not to belittle anyone else, far fuckin from it...I'm honored that I even have the opportunity to jam with all these cool cats, but Gene is an entity unto himself.

There is simply no other. I don't think I can blow any more smoke up his butt than that, haha...but it's all true, and you fucking know it. So welcome back my brother...and thanks.

Gene is right now tracking the new drums for Tenet at The Armoury in Vancouver. He's two days in and is kicking the shit out his drums and layin' it down hard! Fuck yeah! The Armoury is a beautiful studio, I'm very happy they were able to accommodate us. SYL has a bit of a history recording there, and the people and the facility are nothing short of first class...

Update!! GENE IS DONE!!! TWO FUCKING DAYS!!!! Does that say it all or what?!!! While I sat here writing this blog, he put the fucking hammer down and nailed that shit. TWO FUCKIN' DAYS!!! I'm shocked, but not surprised...holy goddamn head is spinning. That's what I meant by there being 'no other'. Well, there you have it...I'm done writing for today."

As previously reported, three demo tracks ('Indulge Me', 'Unnameable', 'Crown Of Thorns') from Tenet's upcoming album, Sovereign, can be heard here.

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