PRIMAL FEAR Members Comment On Forthcoming Album - "The Overall Sound On This (New) CD Is More Brutal"

July 1, 2007, 17 years ago

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PRIMAL FEAR vocalist Ralf Scheepers, drummer Randy Black and bassist Mat Sinner have all issued statements regarding their forthcoming album, New Religion:

Ralf Scheepers: "We worked for four weeks at the House Of Music studio, where we recorded most of the Primal Fear stuff in the past. We had magic moments - of course one was as Simone Simons was joining us. As four weeks were not enough time for the recordings, we continued with full power in different studios in our area. Mat worked with Matz Ulmer on the orchestra parts. Achim and Mat worked on Stefan's guitar parts and last not least, I'm very happy, that my very own little studio has proved to be good enough to record lead and backing vocals. Despite the fact that we have lost some important time in the main studio (due to problems we don't want to discuss in public), working at home was very relaxed and surrounded by a cool atmosphere. At last Henny Wolter recorded some guitars and our good friend Magnus Karlsson played two incredible lead guitar parts! New Religion is definitely the start of a new chapter in the history of Primal Fear. The fact we've signed with a new record company and bringing back our good friend Henny into the band sets more energy free than the launch of a rocket. The band is in the best mood since many many years! Can't believe that? Listen to the album!"

Randy Black: "Once again I think we've pushed the boundaries with our latest Primal Fear CD New Religion. The song writing is more diverse than ever even including an instrumental. Ralf seems to out do himself with each new CD. Starting with the ripping vocals of 'Sign Of Fear' to the fine yet powerful performances on 'Fighting The Darkness' and 'The Man I Don't Know'. I'm sure Primal Fear fans and critics alike will be blown away by his performance! Working with Mat Sinner and Charlie Bauerfeind producing again was inspirational for me as the three of us work very well together coming up with the right drum parts to fit the songs. Mat and Stefan, together with returning guitar slinger Henny Wolter have also kept the level very high with their performances. The overall sound on this CD is more brutal (in the most positive way) largely due to the mix of Ronald Prent. He managed to get what we wanted plus put his own stamp on the sound for a result that in my opinion is the overall best sounding Primal Fear CD to date! Looking forward to performing these new songs live for the fans later this year!"

Mat Sinner: "I never had such a exciting and positive feeling since the release of the first Primal Fear album in 1998. We never worked harder on an album before. Thank God, we had three great back ups like co-producer Charlie Bauerfeind, mixer Ronald Prent and longtime partner Achim Koehler, who helped us to sail around every dangerous cliff! Sincere compliments to the fantastic performance of all my bandmates. I recognized, that the smile is back on their faces again and we're ready to explode! The songs of New Religion combine all the trademarks the fans want to hear from Primal Fear, plus there's still space for progression, creativity and evolution. It's the first time Ralf is singing a duet with a female singer and Simone's voice just fits incredible. Of course we needed the right song for this combination and 'Everytime It Rains' is the song. I've heard the album ten thousand times now and I still feel that 'Fighting The Darkness' is the best sounding song, we've ever produced. The real metal songs like 'Sign Of Fear', 'Blood On Your Hands' or 'New Religion' sounding 100% like Primal Fear, but still different. I really love the vibe and that I feel a progress in our work, that there is still space for a new step into creativity. Even the fast, but very melodic tracks like 'Face The Emptiness' or 'The Curse Of Sharon' sounding fresh, new and exciting!"

Go to this location for more album details, including audio samples.

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