Former PESTILENCE Vocalist Martin Van Drunen: "I Will Be Playing Metal Until The Day That I Die"

July 4, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news pestilence

Global Domination has issued an interview with vocalist Martin Van Drunen (HAIL OF BULLETS, ex-PESTILENCE, ASPHYX). The following is an excerpt:

Q: Fucken Martin van Drunen, what exactly are you up to these days? Let’s start this off easy, coz it will get heavier, and you know it… Kids, married, divorced, play in any bands? Give us the lowdown on Martin Van Drunen anno 2007, if you please. Or I’ll kick you in the muthafucken balls.

A: "Long story, but I’ll try keep it short. Got divorced for about 7 years ago now. No kids (dig them though). Did all kinds of shitty jobs, then found an OK one but they wouldn’t give me a steady contract after slaving for some years.

Now I’ve had it with all those fucking cunts. They can suck my dick big time and I won’t go and look for another scruffy job.

Started to play in DEATH BY DAWN for some 6 years ago, to help Pippo (drummer) out, as we met at work and he was (and still is) a killer dude. DbD now are much like a family. We’re having great fun always and musically we do what we like and don’t give a shit what people say… And this band drinks more then any other one that I know!!

DbD played a show together with THANATOS and Stephan Gebedi (vox/gtr of them) came up to me that night with the whole HAIL OF BULLETS idea. So, we met all together months later and got drunk and got along really well. And we decided to go ‘n kick some serious ass with HoB… Now we’re going to record a first demo and at the moment I’m working out the whole lyrical concept.

Then ASPHYX formed again with a different lineup some months ago. Paul is with me in HoB and he’s probably the only one that could replace Eric. And Wannes did so much for the band that he deserves to be in. The rehearsals turned out to be brutal and loud as fuck and we’re banging our fucken skulls off. So that says enough.

Now I’m focusing on these 3 bands and I’m fucking busy with it. Checking new songs, writing lyrics, learn them, practicing my vox alone and with the bands, tons of e-mails and doing inties like these for people like you who still ask all that damn old shit about PESTILENCE. And this is an exception I make, hahaha… Whoever wants to do another Pest intie has to check Global Domination for all the true answers…

I’ll try to live off these bands but I know it won’t be easy. Anyways, at this moment I think I will be playing metal until the day that I die. Further on I have a killer Italian girlfriend that consumes more alcohol than a tour bus with 3 Swedish death metal bands in it. Love that woman and although she’s not into metal at all, she’s 110% rock n roll. But she lives in Italy and I’m sitting here, writing this shit…"

Read the full interview at this location.

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