July 6, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news year of desolation

Indiana thrashers YEAR OF DESOLATION have issued the following update:

" Unfortunately we'll no longer be touring in July.

We just couldn't get things to confirm last minute without THREAT SIGNALl on it. Contracts would have to be changed etc, and we're not trying to get 3000+ miles from home and end up in a problem like the June tour.

July 6th till August 2nd are the dates that have been removed, we will be touring in August, September, October and November.

We are seriously broken hearted about this, we wanted to keep it going but the cards just didn't fall in our favor, we (litterally) can't afford to "eat another shit sandwich" and smile about it.

See you guys soon, nothing but love...

Year Of Desolation."

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