DEMON HUNTER - Issue Studio Update

July 21, 2007, 16 years ago

hot flashes news demon hunter

Seattle-based Christian metallers, DEMON HUNTER, are currently in the process of recording their fourth as-yet-untitled album, due out before the end of the year on Solid State Records. The album is being produced by Aaron Sprinkle (EMERY, THE ALMOST) and mixing will be handled by Machine (LAMB OF GOD, WHITE ZOMBIE).

The following is an update from vocalist Ryan Clark regarding the recording sessions: "We are getting really close to wrapping up the album. I know I told you we were more excited about this new material than ever before we started. Let me just say that, although every band always says their most recent record is their best, this new record is without a doubt Demon Hunter at our very finest and most creative. We've really pushed the boundaries of the music we're used to playing in Demon Hunter, and I believe, in metal music in general.??It's a very diverse record. I tend to view Demon Hunter as a fairly diverse band to begin with, but there is some material on this record that covers some very new ground. I sing in ways I've never sung before. The guitar tones are different than any previous record. There are songs that are far faster and more brutal than we've ever done. Overall, I feel this record will undoubtedly make you all pleasantly surprised."

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