VELVET REVOLVER Guitarist Slash Hopes To Release Bio In November

August 22, 2007, 16 years ago

velvet revolver news rock hard's Gus Griesinger and Tracey L. have issued an interview with VELVET REVOLER guitarist Slash (ex-GUNS N' ROSES). The following is an excerpt from the interview:

Q:: What can you recall as one of the biggest delusions regarding the music business once you made it to the top?

A: "I don't really have any. I was pretty much raised around this. I sort of take everything as it comes. I didn't have those. Stephen Adler is a great example. He had the dream, like the chicks and KISS kind of rockstar fame, the excess and parties and stuff like that. I'm just a musician, so that's always been my thing, just to be able to play what I want to play. Do it with integrity and stick to my guns and do it my way. It's always been about playing. That's all I really ever concentrated on. Everything else that came with it the craziness (yeah, I was pretty fucking crazy.) I didn't have any, 'Oh, it was going to be like this or it was going to be like that.' Some of it was bigger than I thought it might be. Certain nights it can be so emotionally overwhelming because the audience for a particular reason was into it the way the band was performing. There were key, key, shows in my life that stands out for being that moment. Then, there is a lot of stuff that is like 'That's all that?' 'That's it?' I sort of like to go with it see how the absinthe flows and what not. The pinnacle moments are those things that have happened and you can't really predict. They are special moments, you know?"

Q: Have you even thought of penning a book on your life experiences?

A: "It's almost done! I thought about doing it forever, but I didn’t want to look like I was getting bored from what I was doing. Then Velvet Revolver happened and some people thought if I was going to do it, it's a good time to do it because you have another career started. Then I started realizing the amount of rumors and shit that Guns N' Roses has generated in all the books that are unauthorized. I hooked up with this guy and I started to do an autobiography and so it's coming out."

Q: Any release date?

A: "I think we will try to get it out in November of 2007. The writing is done and now is just the editing."

Read the full interview at

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